MY SOLUTION: 10 Steps To Getting Contracts For Exporting

MY SOLUTION: 10 Steps To Getting Contracts For Exporting

The failure rate of all new businesses is 20% in the first year, 50% at the end of 5th year; in most recent reports, however, only 1 in 12 entrepreneurs succeed. That said, simply accepting that you have a 91,7% chance to fail doesn’t seem like a healthy mentality. There are plenty of ways you can maximize your chances of success by reading this book, where Alen explains in a simple way how to structure your business to be sustainable in scalable in the future.

My Solution describes 10 steps on the entrepreneur’s business path, in terms of strategic and personal development. Understanding each step will help you develop your worldwide business without burning out along the way. In this book you will learn about: starting your business, and detaching yourself from it building the backbone of your business so that you have a strong foundation from which you can move further positioning your business on a competitive global market to get worldwide contracts recognizing TA drivers that are not useful for your success

By reading this book, you’ll have total confidence in yourself when creating your entrepreneur path and outperform even the experts in just a couple of hours per day. So add this book to your cart now and make your best Solution for your business future.

There are plenty of ways you can maximize your chances of success by reading this book, in which Alen explains, in a simple way, how to structure your business to be sustainable in the future without burning out along the way. Alen writes in a friendly style that flows, making his points in a way that had me nodding at regular intervals. In addition, he covers the core assets you need to build your business. Robert Rolih, International Bestselling Author of The Million Dollar Decision

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